Where Is She?

By Alessandra Facchin

Women characters in films can be almost invisible. The Bechdel test tries to measure this phenomenon with three simple rules. “where is she?” shows that these three rules are not that simple to accomplish for the Top 250 films of all times.

Featured image of the project Where Is She? Complementary image of the project Where Is She? Complementary image of the project Where Is She? Complementary image of the project Where Is She?

Metaphor used:

With this infopoetry I want to stress the absence of defined women characters in the movie industry. The movie posters that are more blurred are the ones that past the least number of Bechdel test rules, therefore the ones where defined female characters are absent.

Intended Meaning:

Astonishment: seriously so many movies don’t pass a test simple as that? Reflection: something is missing, something is wrong.

