Straws: Stop Sucking Lives

By Mohammad Maswood

Single-use plastic is damaging our planet. Humans have created the dilemma, but it is impacting all living organisms and the whole planet. Humans have generated about 8 billion tons of plastic since 1950, and more than half of it went straight away to landfills and only 9% was recycled.

Featured image of the project Straws: Stop Sucking Lives Complementary image of the project Straws: Stop Sucking Lives Complementary image of the project Straws: Stop Sucking Lives

Metaphor used:

A Physical world Map illustrating dataset using Straws in vertical direction to plot the map. The height of the straw shows the amount of plastic waste generation by each country.

Intended Meaning:

The aim is to show the life of a single plastic product, for example: Plastic Straw, that it takes hundreds of years to decompose a single plastic product. Also, this infopoetry aims to show how this plastic waste is affecting the lives of the marine animals and destroying our planet. Every year millions of marine lives are killed by the disposal of waste into the oceans through various sources. And it needs to be heard & stopped.