
By Jacopo Perico

The project focuses on the number and provenience of selfie-related deaths in the world.

Featured image of the project R.I.P. Complementary image of the project R.I.P. Complementary image of the project R.I.P. Complementary image of the project R.I.P.

Metaphor used:

The metaphor develops in two levels: 1. the user has to put himself into a “risky” situation to see the panels; 2. the dataset is shown thanks to a visual treemap of empty landscape images as if the “portrait’s subject” was meant to be there, but only felt thanks to the presence of hashtags.

Intended Meaning:

Taking selfies is considered to be a mode of self-expression in today’s generation like looking in a mirror. Selfies are well popular among Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest users. It is rewarding for individuals seeing the number of likes and positive comments and this further influences them to post unique pictures which may also involve indulging in risky behaviors to click selfies.

