Put on a happy face

By Allegra Colombo

The artefact provides an overview of the quality of life of citizens of the European Union. In particular, it shows the level of happiness of five age ranges for each state. The purpose is to highlight the differences and similarities between the various countries and also within the same one.

Featured image of the project Put on a happy face Complementary image of the project Put on a happy face Complementary image of the project Put on a happy face

Metaphor used:

The evocative image used to represent the level of people’s happiness is the smile. Since the topic is related to people’s emotions, pictures of their facial expressions are used to show the different levels of happiness. When the value changes, the intensity of their smiles increases or decreases.

Intended Meaning:

Since motor mimicry is one of the means by which we infect each other with our feelings, the images of real people’s smiles can pass on their emotion to the observers and help them empathize with the data so to experience it not only visually, but also emotionally and in a more personal way.

