Press Chensorship

By Lucia Pellegrini

The aim of this project was to represent in an emotional way the level of press freedom in the world, as defined by the website “”. Due to the topic, the data itself (that is a score out of 100 for each country) is shown as a bar censoring the definition of “press censorship”, found on the Oxford Dictionary. As the definition is composed of exactly 100 strokes, the bar covers as many letters as its own value. To involve more the user, the metaphor is divided into two levels: the bar that represents each country is printed on a plastic paper, while on a normal paper one side is exposed the definition and on the other one a grid that explains how to read the data. The print on the plastic paper is thought in three different colors, as a country can be in three status: free, partly free, not free.

Featured image of the project Press Chensorship Complementary image of the project Press Chensorship Complementary image of the project Press Chensorship