By Giuliano Mozzillo

People constantly pass through spaces, but what remains? PA:SS:EN:GE:RS is a device that allows creating a virtual crowd by storing signals from everyone around, making them persistent and visible. They might have left us physically, but their virtual presence will stay with us.

Featured image of the project PA:SS:EN:GE:RS Complementary image of the project PA:SS:EN:GE:RS Complementary image of the project PA:SS:EN:GE:RS

Metaphor used:

Starting from the concept of improper accessibility, the info poetry thinks about the issue of personal data and on the unaware life that these have outside of our control. The installation consists of a self-made machine capable of collecting such data in an improper way, collecting them without the owners' awareness. In fact, the devices release these data unknowingly. The installation returns them by printing the identification codes of the mobile devices. The installation also reasons on the concept of failure: our devices are constantly accessing networks that they do not have access to.

Intended Meaning:

The technology we thought we were using to make life more efficient started using us some time ago. It is now attempting to reshape our social behaviour into patterns reminiscent of the total surveillance culture. We risk allowing ourselves to become a vast network of informants on each other and ourselves. The idea behind infopetry is to reflect on the loss of control of our data.