
By Andrej Cattaneo

Compared to the EU, Italian youth lives with their parents even up to the age of 34. The phenomenon is part of the culture and Italians have their own word for it: “mammoni”. Lots of them want to set-up their life, but they cannot due to the particular social and economic situation.

Featured image of the project Mammoni Complementary image of the project Mammoni Complementary image of the project Mammoni

Metaphor used:

"Mammoni" is commonly associated with choosy and lazy youngsters, but is it really like that? In reality, the economic situation prevents them from leaving. The barricaded windows are a metaphor for the imprisonment the adolescents suffer, their height, in relation to the total window height, shows the percentage of youngsters who are still living with their parents.

Intended Meaning:

Showing the percentace of youngsters living in parent houses with walls on windows is a strong way to convey the idea of "imprisonment". The wall height is proportional to the percentage, and Italy has the most high walls. This, in comparison with other countries, could give a different point of view about "mammoni".


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