Faded away

By Giovanni Lombardi

S-parire (ex-pareo) doesn’t mean just to disappear but also to disobey. Disobedience is translated into the escaping of a social role and subsequently into identity loss. In this way, missing people leave the social norm, they conform to anonymity, synthesized by the general use of the term “missing”.

Featured image of the project Faded away Complementary image of the project Faded away Complementary image of the project Faded away

Metaphor used:

Portraits similar to passport photos represent person identities: images are what define and construct the concept of person, its story, its background, its relationships, its actions. Subsequently, the flattening identities can be represented by material homogenization, the act of applying the same kind and amount of physical intervention on the actual photos.

Intended Meaning:

The reader should emphatize with the phenomenon focusing on the visual identities of missing people and their ruined portaits. Moreover, the generalization and flattening of the semantic use of the term “Missing people” can raise debate, in order to question the habitual, what we usually don’t question and doesn’t seem to pose a problem.
