By Maria Alexandra Chiojdeanu

As the title implies, when we say enchanted record, we mean talking about the same thing over and over again, returning to the same topic, being repetitive and monotonous, as if a turntable needle had become enchanted on the faulty spot on a record. The recording of this succession of repetitions of words will appear as an enchanted record even though it is not really. In addition, the cassette tape was chosen because it contains a tape on which music is recorded that can be listened to whenever one wants but which turns over and over, in the end, is always the same.

Featured image of the project DISCO INCANTATO Complementary image of the project DISCO INCANTATO Complementary image of the project DISCO INCANTATO

Metaphor used:

Intended Meaning:

The aspect I would like to highlight with this project is repetitiveness: I have noticed from listening to different music and artists that many people talk about the same topics using the same words as well. The most repeated words are then selected and the number of times they are repeated is transcribed, obtaining a list that makes up the lyrics.


The data I decided to analyze are those related to the most listened to songs on Spotify during the year 2022.