Cut off

By Ivana Riva

Since the advent of smartphones, a transition phase has begun; in many cases, this has led to abandoning paper artifacts and increasingly relying on digital media. In “Cut off”, each book and newspaper, belonging to the studied years (2011-2018), was cut according to the sell-out of copies in Italy.

Featured image of the project Cut off Complementary image of the project Cut off Complementary image of the project Cut off

Metaphor used:

The cutting of the height of newspapers and books represents the corresponding cut of sales. The sequence of “mutilated” artifacts forms a sort of physical histogram realized with the cutted physical artifacts: the height of the book is directly proportional to the sales trend of the data collected.

Intended Meaning:

This infopoetry is aimed at emphasizing the decline in sales of copies of newspapers and books from 2011 to 2012. This can be associated with the advent of smartphones; as a result, the infopoetry is a complaint against the excessive abuse of them and the gradual abandonment of the analog.

