Blind Painter

By Martina Bracchi

“Using Dall-E, an AI system that can create images from a description in natural language I wrote different prompts with the objective of obtaining an image similar to my real self. Starting from writing my name and surname, I changed the prompt every time trying to get an output similar to my self-image. Every time I try different ways to describe me, looking at the physical aspect, the mood and the actions that I did that day. Obtaining a sort of algorithmic diary. Blind painter is a book that collects all these images and retrace my research process, a meticulous analysis of my self-image.”

Featured image of the project Blind Painter Complementary image of the project Blind Painter Complementary image of the project Blind Painter Complementary image of the project Blind Painter Complementary image of the project Blind Painter

Metaphor used:

Imagine: you are posing for a portrait and the painter is blind. There is only one way to get your portrait: tell him about yourself. What do you choose to say when you talk about yourself?

Intended Meaning:

The project is a process of self-knowledge. In this case, however, the interlocutor is not another person but it’s a ‘blind’ and extraneous machine. The machine is not just a blind painter, it is a painter that has the knowledge of all the others painters within it. The resulting image is the synthesis of many others. A hermeneutic mechanism of knowledge and understanding of algorithmic language is therefore also involved in this process.


Words and sentences I would use to talk about myself. Images produced by Dall_E.