Are turkers having fun?

By Letizia Agosta

“It’s all about killing time as well as earning some pennies”. These are the words of a Turker working for Amazon Mechanical Turk. With this info poetry I want to show the main reasons why so many workers rely on Amazon’s service, the time spent on the platform and the pay received, which in most cases stops at 2 euros per hour.

Featured image of the project Are turkers having fun?

Metaphor used:

I decided to use the Shanghai metaphor. This is because they were invented in China to kill time and because they consist of one of the simplest and most entertaining examples of games, just like Mechanical Turk in the eyes of turkers sitting on their desks with quick tasks just a click away. Furthermore, their graphic and repetitive essentiality suited the direct communication of the selected data.

Intended Meaning:

With this infopoetry I wanted to investigate the reasons why AMT is so popular but more importantly to expose a system apparently ruled by the digital domain, by showing the paltry pay received by these tireless workers.


A Data-Driven Analysis of Workers’ Earnings on Amazon Mechanical Turk