By Amarildo Shelna

The idea behind the project is to use plastic waste materials in a delimited space to represent the current situation about plastic pollution in our oceans. The intention is to recreate a setting trying to simulate a stretch of water. This cubic space is filled by everyday usage plastic items.

Featured image of the project Complementary image of the project Complementary image of the project Complementary image of the project

Metaphor used:

The idea behind the project is to use plastic waste materials in a delimited space to represent the current situation about the amount of plastic present in our oceans. The intention is to recreate a setting in which the water is represented by a transparent material, trying to simulate a stretch of water. This cubic space is filled by everyday usage of plastic items. The recreation of this unusual transposition of habitat wants to make the user live an immersive experience difficult to set any other way.

Intended Meaning:

The use of plastic waste materials wants to evoke a direct link to a critical situation and our everyday behaviours. The metaphor wants to make the user think about the issue making him/her face the effective dimensions of the problem but that’s an amount almost impossible to imagine. The project wants to make evident the fact that the situation is already gone too far, we are killing our oceans by pollution.

