Hot/Cold Streak Effect

the Gambler's fallacy

In a gambling world "luck" is almost valued as a real life skill. Have you ever wondered why do some people tend to be luckier than others?

Is it a random thing? Or is there more behind it?

Hmmmm.. Are you sure about that? Because in the gambling world, winning and losing bets in a row can have a high psychological effect on a person.

Join our roulette simulator, and use this 400 chips and after 3 wins or 3 losses in a row you will have a final roll, and then we will see if "luck" is truly random!

Of course there is more to it. The psychological effect of winning and losing bets in a row can impact your "luck" a lot!

Join our roulette simulator, and use this 400 chips and after 3 wins or 3 losses in a row you will have a final roll, and then we will see if you truly possess the skills to determine your own "luck"!

Unlocks only when on COLDSTREAK


Bet on Red

18/37 odds
Near 50:50%


Bet on Black

18/37 odds
Near 50:50%

Unlocks only when on HOTSTREAK